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Hi there, nice to meet you! Always interested about what’s going on in the design, video game and tech industry, but I also love to spend my time watching animes (or reading mangas).
Since I’m a kid, I always wanted and chased to be a Designer by creating beautiful things, amazing stories and changing peoples life.
Growing up, I learned how important it was to be open-minded, embrace new ideas, having no fear to changement and that failing is not the end of the world.
My student path and firsts professional experiences gave me opportunities to improve my curiosity about problem-solving, psychology and UX Design methodologies.
Starting all over again in Montréal with my Master Degree in my pocket, I finally succeeded to fulfil my goal and dream after two years of hard work: being a UX Designer in the video game industry.
Nowadays, I’m a UX Designer/User Researcher at Ubisoft Montréal. Working in the Tool department, I help development teams design tools for game production.
Too shy to look at the camera.
"Thriving people are sublime, because they conceal remarkable efforts”
~ Nomad (Megalobox)
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”
~ Henry Ford
"The number of corrections per second is the raw material of learning.”
~ Idriss Aberkane
<aside> 👋 I’m always down for a talk, so feel free to reach me on my **mail** or Instagram!
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